Space Pirate Trainer
Space Pirate Trainer puts you inside one of those awesome classic 80s arcade cabinets, where you’ll fight off relentless waves of droids with all the weapons and gadgets a Space Pirate would ever need. Pick up your blasters, tie up your sneakers, and dance your way into the Space Pirate Trainer hall of fame!
Launched in 2016 as one of the first titles specifically built for room-scale VR, the game has far exceeded our expectations in terms of user feedback, media attention, and sold units. It is considered the most seminal wave-based shooter in the history of modern VR.
SPT was an official launch title on Steam VR (HTC Vive), Oculus Touch, Microsoft Mixed Reality, and Oculus (Meta) Quest, and was ported to PlayStation VR in 2018.
In 2021 the DX edition added two kick-ass multiplayer modes: VERSUS and, more importantly, ARENA.

Remember those awesome 80s arcade cabinets? Imagine those were immersive …
Space Pirate Trainer OST
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Commercial licensing
Space Pirate Trainer is available for your VR Arcade, coffee shop, venue or event! Space Pirate Trainer is a great option for team building, robot blasting, and general fun.
Please contact our friends at Vertigo Games to discuss the possibilities via arcades@vertigo-games.com.
Dirk Van Welden - Project lead
Jens Blaute aka James Marvel - Music
Michélé De Feudis - 2D art
Chris Hanney - QA
Wim Houben - Art
Allan Kekenbosh - Internship
Tim Schokkaert - Networking
Jelle Van den Audenaeren - Tech art
Jeroen Vertriest - Internship
Together with
Kert Gartner - Trailer
Glowfish Interactive - Additional programming, porting
Mitchell Nordine - Sound effects
Pajama Llama Games - Additional graphics
Thanks to
Chet Faliszek, Matt Nickerson, Augusta Butlin, Vince Xarya, and all the other people at Valve
FreeSound.org community: Vartioh, jaraxe, roper1911, javierzumer, bird-man, daveofdefeat2248
Our stress testers Ron Carmel, Colin Northway, and Justin Roiland