Shredders is our love letter to snowboarding. Created with a “for riders, by riders” ethos, and a nod to all the snowboard gaming greats that came before it, Shredders is to snowboarding games what Skate was in response to the Tony Hawk franchise: a game that renews the emphasis on reality, where your primary focus is shifted from tricks and twists to lines and landings.
Shredders launched on Xbox Series X|S, Game Pass (Xbox, PC, Cloud)*, and Steam in March 2022, and on PS5 in December 2022.
Shredders is created by FoamPunch, initially a joint venture between I-Illusions and Let It Roll, now an I-Illusions company.
* Shredders was removed from the Game Pass catalog in March 2024.
Nowhere, Now Here (music made for the game Shredders)
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Dirk Van Welden - Project lead
Marcus Forsmoo - Tech lead
Tim Broothaers - Graphic design
Sébastien Cardona - Programming
Maarten De Meyer - Porting
Hector Devriendt aka Jennifur - Music
Thibaud Gayraud - Programming
Laurent Grumiaux - Production
Chris Hanney - Narrative
Brendan O’Brien - Level design
Guillaume Pauli - Internship
Tim Schokkaert - Networking
Arthur Trio - Programming
Jelle Van den Audenaeren - Tech art
Joachim Wemel - Production
Together with
Jenny Blömeke - 3D art
Dovydas Budrys - 3D art
Aimé Claeys - Mocap acting
Czabolcs Csizmadia - 3D art
Thomas De Wispelaere - Additional programming
Alice Devriendt - Mocap acting
Joost Jansen - 2D animation
Sander Lambrecht - Audio optimization
Arthur Loontjens - Mocap acting
Asmir Mulahalilovic - 3D art
Emma Raymaekers - Mocap acting
Niels Schippers - 3D art
Willem Stessens - Additional graphics
Frederik Tack - Music mastering
Felix Westin - Graphics programming
Chris Hanney as Scotty
Halcyone Wise as Lisa
Knut Eliassen as Knut
Jamie Anderson
Kevin Backstrom
Jake Blauvelt
Sebbe De Buck
Elias Elhardt
Marcus Kleveland
Arthur Longo
Tor Lundström
Leanne Pelosi
Jill Perkins
Zeb Powell
Rene Rinnekangas
Spencer Whiting
and Katie Kennedy
Thanks to
Cybernetic Walrus
Mr. Henry
Triangle Factory
Benoit Campagne
Chris Charla
Michélé De Feudis
Glenn Gregory
Wim Houben
Eivind Kleveland
Damien Nieuborg
Guy Richards
Agostino Simonetta
Phil Spencer
Dylan Wilson
and Buddy 🐾