
Space Pirate Trainer DX

Space Pirate Trainer DX is the deluxe edition of Space Pirate Trainer, the most seminal wave-based shooter in the history of modern VR.

SPACE PIRATE TRAINER puts you inside one of those awesome classic 80s arcade cabinets, where you’ll fight off relentless waves of droids with all the weapons and gadgets a Space Pirate would ever need. Pick up your blasters, tie up your sneakers, and dance your way into the Space Pirate Trainer hall of fame!

The DX edition adds two kick-ass multiplayer modes:

VERSUS pits two space pirates against each other in a fresh multiplayer spin on the classic SPT. Every time you shoot a droid, another one will appear targeting your opponent, ending in all-out blaster chaos!

ARENA is a truly revolutionary arena-scale VR laser tag game. Find a large space (*) for a manic game of hide and seek with blasters. Take on the drones in a single-player match, or play multiplayer with friends around the world.

(*) ARENA requires a 10x10m (33x33ft) area to play.


Charge up your blasters, and call your fellow space pirates. It’s time to find out what you’ve all been training for!


Space Pirate Trainer OST

Play Space Pirate Trainer DX on

Other platforms

Space Pirate Trainer DX is currently only available on Meta Quest. You can play the classic Space Pirate Trainer on Meta Quest, Pico, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, and Windows Mixed Reality.

Commercial licensing

We currently don’t have a commercial license for SPT DX available. We are looking into possibilities there — you’re free to experiment with ARENA & VERSUS in the meantime.

Commercial licensing for the classic Space Pirate Trainer is handled by our friends at Vertigo Games, who you can contact via arcades@vertigo-games.com.


Dirk Van Welden - Project lead

Thibaud Gayraud - Programming
Laurent Grumiaux - Production
Patrick Hackett - Programming
Chris Hanney - QA
Wim Houben - Art
Zachary Lefèbvre - Internship
Tim Schokkaert - Networking
Jelle Van den Audenaeren - Tech art
Joachim Wemel - Production

Cybernetic Walrus - 3D art


